Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Social Network By Brandon L. Smith

For several years now social networking has been on the rise.  Facebook and twitter along with others have quickly become the way of transporting all kinds of information to the world around us.  The technology known as the smart phone has helped this phenomenon reach its epic proportions because of the ability to network on the go.  Take one picture, upload it, and one can share that experience with hundreds at a time.  People share anything from birthday wishes and relationship statuses to comments on current events and political view points.  We can interact with our favorite bands and follow the life styles of the rich and famous.  Social networks have also been helpful in the ministries of the church.  It has enabled the church to connect with people like never before.  It has become a wonderful tool when keeping people up to date on events and news.  All in all social networking has helped make a big world smaller. 

These tools can, however, misplace something very crucial to the inner workings of our lively hoods.  Relationships.  It seems that many people have traded in real, true, heart felt relationships for a simple "like" button.  Often social media is used as an invisible wall of protection to hide behind as people air their dirty laundry and hurl out accusations and insults toward others.  Most people, I believe, would not act that way in person but somehow feel empowered behind a computer or phone.

Here's a few things to think about when using the world of social media.

1.   Everybody Can See
I find it strange that people quickly forget their words on social media can be seen by others. If you think what you are posting might be offensive or incriminating it probably is.  So maybe it shouldn't be posted.  Not everything in your brain needs to be verbalized. Use a filter.  It will help you go far in life.

2.  Encourage
If you take the time to be positive in your posts you'll find that more people want to engage with you.  This will actually help create a positive persona in the "real world."  

3.   The Grip
Don't let social media take a grip of your life so that you can't function in relationships with out it.  Make a point to spend quality time with your friends.  There will be less miscommunication concerning intentions and motives if you'll spend face to face time with people that are close to you.  

Remember that social media is a tool meant to help us keep in touch and network with others.  It should not control our every move.  We should not count on it to give us the next step in our lives or be a substitute for relationships.

Hopefully you can apply some of this to your everyday use of social media.

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