Monday, April 9, 2012

A Quick Thought On Worship by Brandon L. Smith

Worship, what is it? You know, it’s that part of the church service before
the pastor gets up to preach. It’s normally a few fast songs followed by a few slow songs. Some people sing really loud while others don’t sing at all. Some people really get into it and others seem to reject the thought of it. Good worship is obviously filled with an awesome band and vocalists who really know what they’re doing. Worship also goes well when you add cool lights and loud sound systems. They really help create a worshipful atmosphere.

Wait a second. I don’t think God really intended worship to be like this. 1 Chronicles 16:29 says, “Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; bring an offering and come before Him.  Worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness.”

My fear is that in all of our doing to “make worship better” we as a people, have lost sight of ascribing, giving, or attributing to the Lord the glory due his name. Maybe our motive is to glorify ourselves with all of our technology and musicality. I’m not against lights that shine the colors of the rainbow in our services. I’m all for music that is current and moves people emotionally. I think, however, leaders in worship should check the motives of their hearts. Just as the scripture says, “Worship the Lord in the splendor of His holiness.” Let’s make sure it really is about His holiness and not our self-promoted greatness.  

Over the years, my greatest experiences in worship have not been in front of a congregation of worshipers with a guitar in my hand. No, my greatest experiences have been by myself, singing the song of my inner most heart. During these times I realize that my life is not my own. The things I do must bring glory to His great name because if not, I’m distracting from His glory. Being a glory thief is not my proudest of moments.

I dare say that worship is not about a fast song or a slow song. It is not simply the time in a church service that we sing songs before the preaching of the Word. Worship is everything under the sun that our hands find to do. Those things become worship when we do them for the glory and edification of the Father, who is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Worship begins and ends with our lives dedicated and solely lived out as a product of His artisan work.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Beginnings by Brandon L. Smith

Life is full of surprises. This fact of life has a tendency to keep us on our toes. I'm not sure that any of us really know what's around the corner. I can assure you, however, that there is a surprise around the corner. Sometimes these special events are welcomed with open arms, and other times we cry out for help and rescue.

I think each surprising event in our lives offers us a new beginning. In that moment we have an opportunity to embrace the change or run from it.  It's easy, I'm sure, to run toward things that make us happy, but what about the things that make us grow.  Our first instinct is to take flight or run from anything that causes us to change. It's our human nature to do such a thing. What would happen, I wonder, if we decided to remain steady and stand firm before we bolted for the door?  We might actually think things through and find change more appealing having seen things from a different perspective.

Slow down. Take a moment. Breathe. Everything is going to be okay. Another opportunity for a fresh start and new beginning is ahead of you. Don't run. Embrace the challenge because your life depends on it.

A scripture from the Bible that helps me do this is 2 Timothy 1:7 "For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline." It's helpful to know what God has given me when I'm trying to decide to move forward in change, growth, or a new beginning.